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Intellectual Empowerment Strategies

Click on the link and review at least two of the strategies you want to learn more about:


Strategies to Promote Intellectual Empowerment:


Authentic Learning

Capstone Project

Community-Based Learning

Demonstrations of Learning

Personal learning plans 

Personalized Learning


Project-Based Learning 


Formative Assessment:


What strategies did you review?  Think about how you could implement these 

strategies in your classroom?  


Student Engagement: Students as Partners...


View the video to the left to learn more(3:38 mins.)


Video Reflection Questions  


1. Why is it important to incorporate students in                   their learning?


2.  In what ways do you engage students in             

     your classroom?


3.  How can you help students share their   

     ideas and gain real-life experiences?



The difference between engaged environments and empowered environments (Julian, 2017). 


Engaged Environments        Empowered Environments


Attentive and committed                Attentive and committed

to our curriculum                            to their interests


“preparing for jobs”                       “preparing themselves for anything”


Teachers working to                       Teachers working on

“making it interesting”                    “tapping into their interests”


You must learn _____                      What do you want to learn?


Giving choice                                 Inspired possibilities 


Following the beaten path              Making your own path


Taking an assessment                    Assessing your own learning


Consuming                                     Creating


Differentiated instruction                 Personalized learning




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Reflection and Review


Answer the following question on your PLM worksheet. 


1. In your own words, explain the difference between an engaged environment vs an empowered environment? 








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