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Behavioral Empowerment Strategies


Click on the strategies below and review each one on how to promote behavioral empowerment 


Brain-Based Learning   

Classroom Management

Read the following article and answer the question that follows. (Approx. 9 mins.)


How Motivation Affects Academic Performance



Formative Assessment


How do students’ patterns of behavior and participation in the classroom affect their motivation, performance, and understanding of academic content? 



Review the Worksheets


Could you use any of these worksheets in your classroom?  Why or Why not? 


Academic Expectations Worksheet

Conflict-Analysis Worksheet


Classroom Management: Refocus Strategy


Do your students take ownership of their behavior? This video will show you a strategy that helps students to take ownership of their behavior. View the video to the right to learn more. (3:25 mins.)




Reflection and Review


Answer the following question on your PLM worksheet. 


Think about your own classroom. To what extent do students have an opportunity to belong? To what extent do students have an opportunity to behave in socially responsible ways? To what extent do students have an opportunity to promote fairness and experience reciprocity? To what extent do students have an opportunity to serve as resources for you and their peers?

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